Hi Everyone! My name is Emily and I own Rogue Blvd LLC. I’m going to share a little on working as a small business owner while also working a full time job and how I make that happen As most of us know, running and owning our small businesses is a full time job. For those who work the typical 8-10 hour work day, how can we make the juggling act a slightly more manageable? How do we make our efforts and time more efficient?
A little background on myself to understand what I’m working with. . I have worked as a full time Certified Athletic Trainer (sports medicine) for almost 9 years and I have owned a small business for 4 of them. . As most of you know, sports can happen all throughout the day, so really there are no true set hours of work. I could work 16 hours one day and 2 hours the next. While I love not doing the same thing from day to day sometimes it would be nice to have the same set schedule to better offset the time I need to run my small business.
Now for what we have been waiting for… How to make this juggling of work and work? First and foremost, WRITE IT ALL DOWN. Make a list for everything. I’m a very visual person so this is my favorite, most helpful tip. Find a planner, an app, or notes in your phone. Do what I call a brainstorm note. It doesn’t have to be precise, just write EVERYTHING down; your product ideas, things that need to be done, drop dates, content ideas, work related deadlines, etc. Just get it all in one place. Okay, Wow that can be a lot in and of itself but it’s a GREAT start.
Now, we are gonna prioritize. Deadline related things first! This can be for your small business or for work. What needs to be first and when does it need to be done by? This could include orders that need to be processed to paperwork at the “9-5” that needs to get completed, etc. Here is where I like my paperback planner and different colored ink pens. Color code it! Get creative! Make it However you like and what’s most eye catching to you! While this keeps things organized it is all fun and aesthetically pleasing! Once this is done we breakdown into other
areas, such as new releases/drops, content posting schedule or ideas, designing your website, etc. etc. Paper planners, Goodnotes (App), the notes app on your phones, online planners are a few things I have found helpful in keeping myself organized. My iPad and phone don’t ever leave my sight!
That is just a small synopsis of a few tricks to managing a “9 to 5” and running a small businesssimultaneously! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. I’m always willing to have a chat and help where I can!